creative block theater
airing on cable channel 13

alex holden:
the creator, writer, editor, cinematographer and director of the show 
blue deer productions L.L.C.
produces: creative block theater
show times:   mon & wed @ MIDNIGHT
(pictures from the show)

a brief explanation of the philosophy behind the show

alex's exegesis on the television medium in general and 'creative block theater' in particular

'on creative block theater'
'on TV and creative block theater'
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some advertisements for the show
an experimental post-modern tv show
what people are saying about the show
"you could say the show is an experimental post-modern television show; insofar as the show promotes the break down of the divide between high art and low art. b/c from the post-modern perspective all culture is 'high' and 'low' art." -alex holden

may 2003
episode 6
(click here for more details)
to purchase
episodes 1-4 of the show
(click here)
(click here to see)
(we can not provide a link to the university station our show appears on at this time)
this show is now called cathode-ray tube